What is a BuildWoW charity partner?

BuildWoW has a small group of charity partners that we work with in order to help identify projects and facilitate builds. These partners are selected on a wide range of criteria including providing evidence that specific physiological needs (food/water/medicine) of the community are met before contemplating a build, the region that they work in, the average cost of each project and how much each dollar raised get contributed to the end project, reputation, continuation strategy for education after schools are built, and more.

We then work with our charity partners to provide us with project options that fit with BuildWoW’s mission of eliminating poverty through education. These partners work with local communities to prioritize projects in each region and pass on their recommendations to BuildWoW.

We are proud to work with the following organizations:

  • Free the Children
  • Create Change
  • SchoolBox

How are the projects chosen?

The BuildWoW board reviews the options and looks at a number of factors – some of these factors include the construction timeline, community impact, need assessment (i.e. replacing an existing school versus building a new school based on increased attendance), and the # of projects we have done in the region before and our experience. Regardless, of the choice, a community in need will be getting help!

In the past we have even asked our contributors to provide a voice in the decision with asking for their take on some project options or even a vote. This is something that we will continue to do on an ad-hoc basis.

What is Building Walls of Wisdom’s involvement in each project?

Currently our involvement is centered on project selection, raising awareness, and bringing new contributors to the cause. Our hope is to further expand Building Walls of Wisdom’s role and partner with other organizations, to further our cause. If you have any ideas for potential partnerships or other related activities Building Walls of Wisdom can leverage, please email us.

What portion of the funds raised go directly to the project?

Free the Children, FTC needs to deduct 9% of funds raised for operational/administrative costs. As you may know, unlike Building Walls of Wisdom, FTC has full-time employees working tirelessly to make a difference in addition to office space, website costs, etc. In the spirit of transparency, you can read more about these costs and review FTC’s independent audit reports here.

Through Create Change and SchoolBox, 100% of the funds raise go directly to the project as their administrative costs are privately funded.  Building Walls of Wisdom receives a comprehensive breakdown of the funds for all projects.

Are donations tax deductable?

All contributions to Free the Children, Create Change, and SchoolBox are tax deductible. Once your contribution is made, a tax receipt will be automatically sent to your email address.

As a contributor, what can I do beyond the financial donation?

One simple task we would ask our contributors is to help get the word out. Tell your friends, family and co-workers and let’s gets as many schools built as possible. Building Walls of Wisdom is open to new ideas and a collaborative approach to bringing education to impoverished communities so please do not hesitate to email us with your thoughts.

Have any other questions? Email us!